Kybella Double Chin Treatments in Sacramento

Are you looking for a way to get rid of that double chin? Maybe you inherited it from a relative and you feel hopeless about your chances of losing it, or maybe you are just seeing changes in your chin and face that you would prefer to reverse. KYBELLA® double chin treatments in Sacramento is your answer: a nonsurgical fix specifically for the double chin area.
What Is Kybella®?
KYBELLA® is a drug designed to treat “submental fat,” the double chin, or the fat pocket beneath your chin. A cutting-edge cosmetic injectable, KYBELLA® double chin treatment works by dissolving fat cells through injections, usually a series of up to six. With KYBELLA® injections for double chin treatment, there’s almost no risk, very little downtime, and it’s a nonsurgical, noninvasive procedure. This is what sets the double chin treatment from KYBELLA® apart from every other option: it is the first—and only—injectable specially formulated to melt away the despised double chin.
How Does Kybella® Work?
Approved by the FDA in 2015, KYBELLA® is the first real alternative to surgery or liposuction for people anxious to get rid of their double chins. The KYBELLA® double chin treatment works using synthetic deoxycholic acid—a chemical found naturally in the human body that aids in digestion—to destroy fat cells. Deoxycholic acid works inside the digestive tract by destroying fat cell membranes, causing the cells to break down.
When double chin treatments from KYBELLA® are injected into subcutaneous fat, they do the same thing the natural body chemical does in the digestive tract, but in the very carefully targeted area delineated by your cosmetic surgeon. The fat dissolves and becomes cellular debris, which means that it gets cleared out of your circulatory and lymphatic systems by special immunologic cells. This process takes place for several weeks, gradually. The deoxycholic acid itself also gets metabolized and excreted as waste.
On KYBELLA® double chin treatment day, your cosmetic surgeon will take “before” shots of the treatment area, and apply a numbing agent under your chin. Next, they will map out your injection sites. Once your chin is sufficiently numbed, your treatment injections will be administered. How long the treatment takes depends on how many injections and vials your treatment requires. Injecting the shots themselves takes minutes.

How Quickly Does Kybella Work?
In most patients, the injection site may be sore for a few hours after the KYBELLA® double chin treatment is applied. The area starts feeling better fairly quickly. As the treatment goes to work and starts to break down fat cells, the area will experience some swelling. The swelling can be mitigated with a compression bandage. The expected swelling usually peaks at about 24 hours after treatment, and is a sign of the fat breakdown process. This process can last from two days to three weeks.
To reach the desired goal, it may take multiple treatments. There will usually be about six weeks between treatments. The wonderful news about this is that once your process is completed, those fat cells are gone for good, and there is neither maintenance nor ongoing costs for you. Patients undergo between two and six treatments to get their desired results, although many patients really see noticeable fat loss after the second treatment.
Is This Right For Me?
Although no one can decide what’s right for you except yourself, there are a number of things most patients who love KYBELLA® say. If you are bothered by a double chin and want a targeted treatment, KYBELLA® is a great choice. People stuck with these pockets of submental fat for genetic reasons are perfect candidates for KYBELLA® double chin treatments. Another group of patients KYBELLA® appeals to are people who don’t typically consider actual surgical fixes; KYBELLA® is non-surgical and non-invasive. Finally, one of the biggest trends in double chin treatments with KYBELLA® is that men are seeking them out. KYBELLA® is a great way to improve and strengthen the profile and chin without surgery.
*There is no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?
Your cosmetic surgeon will consult with you to determine how many treatments you need to achieve your desired double chin reduction. Patients generally need two to six treatments, each approximately six weeks apart.
Are There Any Serious Side Effects?
In the clinical trials for KYBELLA® double chin treatments, about 4 percent of patients experienced mild nerve damage in the lower jaw, which disappeared after a few months. This was the most serious side effect reported. Beyond that, patients experience swelling and inflammation. Both symptoms are a sign that the treatment is dissolving fat. Swelling will be less noticeable after subsequent treatments. Some patients may also experience areas of hardness in the treatment area caused by the swelling, bruising, numbness, pain, or redness.
Contact Precision MD
If you’re ready for a sleek new look and you want to get rid of your double chin for good, contact the office today.