If you are one of the millions of men who struggle with erectile dysfunction or simply wants to improve their performance in the bedroom, consider the PRP shot for male sexual enhancement. This non-surgical treatment harnesses the power of your own blood to get things working as they should. It is getting men amazing results, without having to use prescription drugs or surgery. Below is more information about this revolutionary option for men and whether or not it is right for you.
What Is PRP and How Is It Used for Sexual Enhancement?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It is the magic behind the PRP shot for erectile dysfunction. The PRP used in the shot comes from your own blood. We simply draw a tiny amount from your arm, spin it in a centrifuge, and take the “good stuff.” Prior to injecting you, the area will be thoroughly numbed. Most men report this treatment to be completely pain-free.
Once the PRP shot is completed, it will begin to work on your tissues. The most beneficial thing that happens is it stimulates more blood flow. As you know, blood flow is key in order to have healthy, strong erections. At the same time, any stem cells that have grown dormant in the area are reinvigorated. Growth factors are also present in the PRP, which is what helps men see an increase in girth.
What Are the Benefits of the PRP shot for erectile dysfunction?
Why consider the PRP shot for erectile dysfunction? The list of benefits is a long one. Let’s look at some of the highlights:
- Increases the size of the penis
- Enhances sensation in the penis
- Increases blood flow to the penis
- Enhances erections, making them stronger
- Minimal to no pain or discomfort
- No lumpiness after injections
- Can increase the effectiveness of prescription drugs
- No chance of an allergic reaction
What Results Can I Expect with the PRP shot for erectile dysfunction?
With this treatment, the results speak for themselves. Approximately 80% of men report that they noticed an improvement after just one treatment. After two treatments, that number jumps all the way up to 90%! Keep in mind that it takes your body a while to build up the tissue and increase blood flow. It may take up to 12 weeks to experience the full impact of the PRP shot for erectile dysfunction. If desired, a series of the treatment can be scheduled. The sessions are spaced 8-12 weeks apart.
Ready to learn more about the benefits of the PRP shot for erectile dysfunction and experience them for yourself? If so, feel free to visit Precision MD in Elk Grove. We are happy to sit down and answer your questions while we are working on a personalized treatment plan for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!