Vein Treatment in Sacramento, CA

Many people develop spider veins on their legs and any parts of their body as they age. Usually, many factors contribute to this condition, including genetic makeup, pregnancy, weight gain, birth control pills, sitting or standing for too long, and prior trauma or surgery.
Fortunately, there is no need to worry as, at Precision M.D., we use a combined approach of sclerotherapy and laser vein treatment to get rid of your visible veins.
Am I a Candidate for Vein Treatment?
The ideal candidate should be in good health and have realistic expectations for the procedure.
Vein treatment isn’t recommended if you are pregnant, have certain medical conditions, or have tattoos in the treatment area.

How Is a Vein Treatment Procedure Performed?
During your initial consultation, we will carefully evaluate the areas of concern and determine the most optimal treatment option for your situation. While spider veins pose no health hazard, it is important to have them evaluated for underlying venous issues.
Laser treatment, sclerotherapy, or both can be used to eliminate venous insufficiency and improve the appearance of the affected area.
During a sclerotherapy procedure, a sclerosing solution is directly injected into the veins through a very fine needle. The special solution causes the veins to collapse, where they are then absorbed into local tissue. The procedure takes about 15 to 45 minutes to complete. Patients can expect to experience light to moderate discomfort.
Over time, the treated veins will gradually disappear or become less noticeable, and blood will be rerouted to healthier veins.
Your surgeon can also use laser treatments in combination with sclerotherapy for the most optimal cosmetic results. Laser technology targets spider and small varicose veins and warms the vessels without damaging the skin or surrounding tissues. The laser shrinks the vein while sclerotherapy works on sealing the vein, resulting in a powerful treatment solution for spider veins.
More than one treatment may be required to achieve an optimal outcome, depending on the severity of the condition.
What Is My Vein Treatment Recovery Like?
*There is no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary.
Patients may experience mild bruising, redness, itching, or a burning sensation in the treated area following treatment. Compression stockings are worn to prevent the treated veins from carrying blood and speed up the fading process. Being a minimally invasive procedure, there is little downtime, and recovery is relatively pain-free.
Patients are advised to avoid standing or sitting for extended periods after treatment for improved blood circulation.

What Results Can I Expect From a Vein Treatment Procedure?
Most patients report positive results of reduced vein appearance in about four to eight weeks.
Interested in Vein Treatment in Sacramento, CA?
If you are seeking to eliminate the appearance of spider veins or want to stop the progression of varicose veins, get in touch with us at 916-691-6666 or fill our online form for effective vein treatment.