We’ve had many patients asking about VASERlipo procedure, and that’s no surprise. The procedure is getting a lot of buzz in the press and among celebrities and other early adopters of new technologies. To give you an overview and some details about the VASERlipo process, we decided to break down the information question by question.
What is VASERlipo?
VASERlipo is a unique body sculpting tool. It breaks up unwanted fat using patented VASER technology so it can be removed, while causing minimal disruption to surrounding areas. It’s critical to target only fat and leave important surrounding tissues alone, so that the smoothest possible results and an optimal recovery can be attained. VASERlipo achieves this using the power of ultrasonic energy, a tissue selective power source, to gently target fat cells intact. In fact, fat sourced via VASERlipo removal is perfect for augmentation of other areas of the body such as the buttocks or breasts.
How does VASERlipo work?
Before VASERlipo treatment begins, the target area for reduction or sculpture receives a precise mixture of local anesthetic and special saline solution through tiny incisions. This solution ensures that the site is numb and the blood vessels in the region shrink, minimizing bruising and blood loss. This solution serves an additional purpose, filling and wetting the treatment region, which makes it even easier for the VASERlipo tool’s ultrasound energy to to break up fatty tissue.
Once the fat in the area has been liquified by the small probe of the VASERlipo system, that solution is ready for removal. The surgeon uses an aspiration technique to remove the liquid fat, leaving the surrounding tissues intact and relatively undisturbed. To finish the procedure, the surgeon uses an array of precision suction cannulas to sculpt the region and achieve the desired look.
This ability to truly be precise is what makes VASERlipo so wonderful for even more delicate target areas such as arms, cheeks, chin, neck, and thighs, although the procedure can certainly handle areas in need of more aggressive attention, such as the abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, knees, love handles, and thighs. The VASERlipo probe is particularly good for targeting both superficial and deep fat deposits in the same patient, and for achieving a smooth, skin tightening finish.
Is VASERlipo right for me?
Although there is no substitute for favorable genes, a balanced diet, and regular exercise, VASERlipo can certainly trim down stubborn fat areas. Every procedure has its limits, but VASERlipo is quite versatile. Our professional staff can counsel you about your decision on anticipated results, the VASERlipo sculpting process, and your recovery outlook.
What body areas can be treated with VASERlipo?
We have an excellent track record of success and happy patients with VASERlipo in all of the following areas: abdomen, arms, back, buttocks, chin, hips, knees, love handles, male breasts, neck areas, thighs, and almost any other region you need to treat.
Does VASERlipo come with any side effects?
Many patients report local soreness where they received VASERlipo treatment for one to three days. Basic pain management typically works for patients, and they are unlikely to miss more than two to five days of work. After that initial recovery period, it is possible to experience a low-grade ache for one to four weeks along with some swelling and mild bruising. We will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions and comprehensive advice to assist you in your recovery, and discuss all possible side effects and complications during your consultation.
What are the advantages of VASERlipo?
The advantages of VASERlipo are numerous:
- Precision. Traditional liposuction is a blunt instrument compared to VASERlipo. VASERlipo can achieve actual muscle definition and precision contouring along with fat removal for a look of total improvement.
- Smoothness. The VASERlipo technique offers a high level of contouring without any bumpy irregularities.
- Skin tightening. The ultrasound’s high energy causes the skin to retract and tighten, giving a much smoother, contoured result.
- Safer. VASERlipo is minimally invasive and safe, and can be done under twilight sedation as a day procedure. This means less risk, avoiding general anesthesia, and it also means the patient can be in more than one position during the procedure to ensure the best results.
- Quicker recovery. The VASERlipo is gentle, and gets better results with less downtime for patients.
- Useful fat. The fat your surgeon removes during the VASERlipo procedure is very high quality and can be used for fat grafting.
How much fat can be removed with VASERlipo?
A single VASERlipo session can remove a limited amount of fat which is determined by your body fat percentage, weight, and overall health. There is also a local anesthetic limit for a single treatment session. If you require more fat removal than is possible in a single session, or your treatment is limited by the local anesthetic limit, an additional VASERlipo treatment can be performed within one to four weeks of the initial session. Our caring professional staff will consult with you to determine the safest course and how to achieve the best outcome.
Still have questions about VASERlipo?
Reach out to our staff at any time. We are available to discuss the VASERlipo procedure and technology with you. Schedule your free consultation today.