For anyone who wants their double chin to disappear but is reluctant to have surgery, the Kybella double chin treatment is the FDA-approved, injectable answer. This in-office double-chin eraser can finally help you achieve that slimmer, more appealing profile you’ve always wanted—or used to have.
What is the Kybella Double Chin Treatment?
Kybella injections for double chin are a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring substance that the human body uses to metabolize fats. Scientists seized upon that fat-burning power and put it to work in injectable form, and created Kybella. Fat cells hold the unsightly fat that give you that double chin in the first place, and Kybella destroys the membrane of these fat cells, forcing them to release that fat into the body. Once it’s free inside the body, it gets metabolized and flushed out.
How Do Kybella Injections for Double Chin Work?
On the day of your Kybella double chin treatment, your cosmetic surgeon will first survey your treatment area and take “before” images. Next they will apply a numbing agent beneath your chin. Once the numbing agent begins to go to work, they will map out the sites for your injections in a grid pattern. After you are comfortable, your surgeon will administer your treatment injections.
Every patient is unique, so the time the Kybella double chin treatment takes depends on the unique factors in your case. Specifically, how many vials of Kybella and how many injections is ideal for your treatment area will determine the time—which is usually less than half an hour, total. The actual injections take only minutes, and typically they are administered in a series of up to six.
Why is Kybella Double Chin Treatment Different?
Kybella is targeted and non-surgical, with little discomfort or downtime. Kybella injections for double chin were designed specifically to treat “submental fat,” that pocket right underneath your chin. As the first meaningful alternative to liposuction or other surgical treatments for the double chin, Kybella injections carry very little downtime and almost no risk with them, thanks to being a noninvasive, nonsurgical procedure. For most patients, a few hours of soreness and some mild swelling as the fat cells break down are really the only side effects.
Kybella destroys fat cells once and for all—safely. Patients sometimes require multiple Kybella treatments to achieve their desired goals, with about six weeks in between sessions. However, once the series is complete, those fat cells are permanently destroyed. This lasting result is achieved without dangerous acids or unproven herbal extracts and is FDA-approved.
Who Gets Kybella Treatments?
Every patient is different, but the patients who love their results from Kybella have a few things in common. They are all seeking out a targeted treatment to get rid of a double chin. Many of them come from families that have the double chin trait running through them, and have the genetic double chin they need to lose—ideal candidates for Kybella injections for double chin. Many of these patients choose Kybella because they dislike surgery and are looking for alternatives. And although you may think cosmetic surgery is just for women, that’s not the case; many Kybella patients are men looking for stronger chins and more masculine profiles.
Kybella at Precision MD
Only a skilled cosmetic surgeon who is experienced with Kybella should offer this treatment. Don’t be fooled, thinking anyone can provide you with this non-surgical treatment. Here at Precision MD, we have the experience and skill to give you the results you are looking for, just as we have for so many other happy patients. Schedule a free consultation and find out how amazing your new profile can look with Kybella double chin treatment.